I am Running Again

Day 300, 11:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I have been selected by our esteemed party president of IUP to be the candidate for mayor in the Waterford region. First I would like to say I believe the current mayor, Quartermass has done an excellent job. That being said I have a few things on my mind. I want to push for a mayoral council. I believe a mayor's ability to govern his region effectively is limited. A mayoral council would be able to coordinate the efforts of all the mayors and push laws to congress to help our districts. Almost all of the larger developed countries have a mayoral council and it seems essential to providing a more organized, user friendly Ireland. Also I want to push for Waterford to be the economic powerhouse of Ireland. I want to try to attract capital and companies over to our region to ensure full employment and to put us working at full capacity. Beside my new ideas I will be continuning all current programs run by Quartermass.

Thank you for your time and Long live Ireland