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The Green Party and the American Progressive Front

6 Day 880, 13:44 Published in USA USA


I am sure by now that most of you have seen this article from Max Mcfarland 2, the President of the new American

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A New Day

7 Day 878, 09:40 Published in USA USA


First and foremost thank you to those who voted for me yesterday. We had close to 20% voter turnout and it is one of my goals to increase that percentage in each subsequent election.

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Hypocrites and Idiots (with a little bit of truth)

8 Day 877, 07:02 Published in USA USA


Today is election day, as I have previously stated I am running to head up the US Green Liberal Democrats. I am the only candidate, so I think I can safely say I am going to win. My first act as president will be to shorten the name

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The Future

4 Day 874, 17:41 Published in USA USA

Greetings Fellow eRepublikans

This is an article about the future. The future of the US Green Liberal Democrats.

Perhaps I should not be presumptuous, I should not tempt the wrath of the eRep gods...but what can I say? I am a gambler by

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The Party Presidency and Me

3 Day 873, 10:30 Published in USA USA


So after a little bit of searching, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and run for Party President of the US Green Liberal Democrats!!

My eRepublik career has been up and down. I have spent hours a day monitoring it

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