The Green Party and the American Progressive Front

Day 880, 13:44 Published in USA USA by Pragmat


I am sure by now that most of you have seen this article from Max Mcfarland 2, the President of the new American Progressive Front. Rechristened after Emerick was wrongly banned, it appears that the party is to serve as a hub for the AAP the USWP and the DemReps to come together in one party, with the S.E.E.S. doing something similar.

I am not sure how I feel about this seeming two party system. I know it is being done to help avoid PTOs and that it is probably a necessary step....doesn't mean that I have to like it.

For one....many of the people being brought together go back a long way, there is sometimes heated animosity between different parties and certain players and I do not believe that that will go away simply by putting everyone under the same banner.

I repeat my offer, if you are a member of what once was the AAP or are simply looking for a new home, please consider the Green Party. We do not have flashy membership numbers, or representation in Congress or a lot of Gold. But what we do have is drive and determination. If you are willing to work, if you are willing to step up and help the eUS move forward, then please consider joining the Green Party.

If you are a member of the Green Party or are interested in joining, please go to this site and register.

Thank you and God Bless

Daniel Dodge