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The "official" paper for the eNZ Ministry of Education

A Friendly Reminder

4 Day 796, 14:52 Published in USA USA

Greetings my Fellow Americans

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow I am seeking re-election to the Congress of the eUnited States.

This would be my fourth term representing Colorado and I

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Back to the Basics

4 Day 793, 18:06 Published in USA USA

Greetings my Fellow Americans,

It has been a long time since I have done an article like this, a straight up news article. I have been kept busy by RL activities and frankly, that takes precedence. However, I love this game dearly and want to

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**Vote Dodge-See Inside for Reasons**

8 Day 792, 13:55 Published in USA USA

Greetings my fellow Americans. My name is Daniel Dodge, and I am today officially announcing my candidacy for the privilege of representing the 'Centennial State' in the eUS Congress for a fourth term.

Over the past month I have learned

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Back in the Saddle

2 Day 791, 19:50 Published in USA USA

Greetings my Fellow Americans,

Time for me to get back in the game! After a long period of spotty internet access and dropped connections I am back with a high speed internet connection and am ready to kick some eAss....whatever that means.


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5 Day 783, 12:32 Published in USA USA

Greetings Boys and Girls

I am writing to you from lovely Karnataka. If you haven't already, you should come join us over here.

Now that that is out of the way, time for the meat of my message, what I really want to say.

Due to circumstances

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