The Future

Day 874, 17:41 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings Fellow eRepublikans

This is an article about the future. The future of the US Green Liberal Democrats.

Perhaps I should not be presumptuous, I should not tempt the wrath of the eRep gods...but what can I say? I am a gambler by nature.....seriously it runs in the family.....huge problem 😛

Anywho...back to the USGLD. It is currently a small party with less then 100 members. If elected my first act as Party President will be to comb the current party membership for any willing volunteers, intrepid souls ready to step up and help in party leadership. This will help to build a more organized party and also aid in member activism and player retention.

My second will be a motion to make a motion, I was thinking perhaps a mixture of the Macarena and the Electric Slide (I am taking name suggestions).

My third goal as Party President is to step up recruitment. If anyone happens to know how to use API and Google spreadsheets together.....let me know because I would much appreciate it. Having been active in the nation's largest party, I am not aiming for that spot. The larger an organization becomes the more unwieldy it is. I want to see this party rise to the top 5.....eventually. For now my goal is to become a prominent sixth party. Speaking up for the little guy, trying to serve as a voice for the parties that are not generally represented in Congress or the eWhite House.

I know that you have heard much of the above before from countless small party leaders so I understand if you are skeptical. Hopefully a month from now our parties actions can speak for themselves.

My fourth goal is to get a USGLD into Congress....preferably not myself. I will run if needed, but I would prefer to see a young buck step up and take a shot at it.

So if you are looking for a party, if you are disenchanted with where you are now or are looking to join a political party for the first time I urge you to consider joining the US Green Liberal Democrats.

Vote Daniel Dodge for USGLD PP on the 15th!

History Today (April 12th)

1861: The American Civil War begins when Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina

1934: Surface wind gusts of 231 mph measured on the summit of Mt. Washington, highest surface wind speeds ever measured

1945- Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies while in office, Harry Truman is sworn in as the 33rd President of the United States

1955- The polio vaccine is declared safe and effective

1961- Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to go into outer space

By the case you have missed it... check this article out, because Josh Frost (aka Captain Fluffy Beard) is pretty awesome and he writes a good paper.

God Speed

Daniel Dodge