A New Day

Day 878, 09:40 Published in USA USA by Pragmat


First and foremost thank you to those who voted for me yesterday. We had close to 20% voter turnout and it is one of my goals to increase that percentage in each subsequent election.

The US Green Liberal Democrats are no more. In my first act as PP I have reverted back to the old moniker of The Green Party. You may also notice a change in the logo. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the old artistic tree image, but I feel that this new logo more fully embodies my vision for this party.

Obviously the Green Party in eRepublik can not be a counterpart of the RL Green Party. There is no environment to save here, we can not push for sustainable energy or more organic produce. But here is what we can do. We can push for clean government. We can work hard and advocate for government from the bottom up, real grassroots politics where we get more of the people of the eUS involved in policy discussions at the national level. We can push for fair elections and honorable, respectable races. We can work to protect this country's democratic institutions from threats both foreign and domestic. I am not saying that it will be easy, the road will be long and difficult. Naysayers will slap us down and inertia will fight to keep things the way that they are, but we can do it. We can step up and speak out and help progress this country in the right direction if we try, if we work for it.

Already we can see some clear examples of things we as a nation can work on. Yesterday the Democratic Republicans (DemReps) were taken over by Hungarian interests. As a top 5 party this is especially worrisome. Others with more authority than I have called for change, have organized anti-PTO efforts and I wish simply to add that we need to work together as a nation to combat this.

Yesterday we also saw a lot of bickering and confusion coming out of my old party, America's Advancement Party (AAP). Emerick, backed by the S.E.E.S was elected yesterday and the AAP has ceased to exist, now known as S.E.E.S. We also saw an effort to keep Pizza the Hut out of leadership in the Republican Party. These types of things distract us from the protection of our country.

That being said, Emerick has some fair points. The AAP was broken. It had some good people in it, but they were never able to live up to the potential, the responsibility that the party had. To members of the old AAP: please consider joining the Green Party. Simply put I have worked with a lot of you in the past and if you are willing to work, I would love to work with you.

I will be working over the next few days to contact all my party members and start organizing things. Until then if you are a Green Party member or are interested in what we are doing, please go to our new site and get registered. This will likely serve as our hub for all important party information.

Thank you for your time and God bless,

Daniel Dodge

-Green Party President