The Party Presidency and Me

Day 873, 10:30 Published in USA USA by Pragmat


So after a little bit of searching, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and run for Party President of the US Green Liberal Democrats!!

My eRepublik career has been up and down. I have spent hours a day monitoring it in the past....and I have left it behind when RL became more important. The first time I left was largely of my own choosing, the second time was due to outside forces. I am back now and (knock on wood) I don't intend to quit anytime soon, I would like to be around when v2 (finally) gets here.

When I started playing eRepublik back in June of '09 I joined up with America's Advancement Party, Aren Perry was the outgoing PP, Mercurius was about to step into the position, and Harrison Richardson was days away from winning the POTUS race. I learned the ropes, did some work as a recruiter and immediately ran for Congress....a few times. The first time I lost, the second I believe was nixed before it began by the looming threat of war....finally I got in.

I enjoyed my time in Congress....I got to meet some great people and I was fortunate to always have the backing of my party and enough people to get me re-elected a few months in a row.

Something that I have always wanted to do is party leadership. I feel I am well organized and can use my skills to craft a viable working plan for a party. So why the US Green Liberal Democrats?

1) Size: One of my qualms about the AAP was its size. The USGLD is currently at about 90 members, making it a good size for organization and expansion. I think numbers are important to an extent but I also believe that building a party of high quality should come before one of high quantity.

2) Name: I meet all of the criteria set out in the name of the party. I am from the United States, I both support environmentally friendly policies and enjoy the color green, I consider myself a liberal and I am a card-carrying member of the Democratic Party.

3) Situation: I do not know the current Party President, Peter Green, but as a look at his profile will show, he has not been around much lately. No one had yet stepped up as a candidate and I believe that this party deserves leadership that will be present day in and day out.

So on April 15th if you are looking for a leader to support, looking for a safe investment of your vote. I urge you to consider voting for me, Daniel Dodge, for Party President of the US Green Liberal Democrats!

Thank you and God Bless

Daniel Dodge