Hypocrites and Idiots (with a little bit of truth)

Day 877, 07:02 Published in USA USA by Pragmat


Today is election day, as I have previously stated I am running to head up the US Green Liberal Democrats. I am the only candidate, so I think I can safely say I am going to win. My first act as president will be to shorten the name down. We will transition back to being known as the Green Party

Also, while I enjoy the logo currently in place, I may consider a change in that department as well. Tomorrow I will post more information about the Green Party and its path ahead, for now I want to talk about something else.

I was gone when Dio became big, I was gone when Pizza the Hut moved to the eUnited States and while I wish I could say I wasn't here when the AAP began to defecate on itself.....I was.

Let's start with America's Advancement Party and this article published by Emerick. I won't lie, at first I was just pissed off. I was a proud (most of the time) member of the AAP from my beginnings last June. Then I stopped and thought about it, and Emerick is right. I am not saying that AAP leadership is a whole bunch of assclowns, I know many of them and can safely say that regardless of what the results have been, they have been trying. Sadly though, I also realize that results are what matters in this game, as they do in RL politics. Personally, I think that seeker1 deserves another chance, one month to go all out and see what happens, but I know many of you won't give that opportunity. The AAP has screwed up in the past, it rose to power through a glitch and while it has generally fielded quality, well-vetted candidates for Congress....it has dropped the ball in almost every other regard. So EC, seeker1 or Emerick, whoever you decide to vote for today the AAP needs to do something new...even if that means it ceases to exist.

Now for Pizza the Hut and the Republican Party. Considering that this involves MM2 and our President Woxan, I can safely assume that all you boys and girls can find the damn articles themselves. I know it feels good to have someone to pick on, I know that in this collective circle jerk that is the eUS political system it is always fun to pick on two things: the British and Ajay Bruno. It used to be good, he would run a party and say outrageous things, we deride and mock him, he would lose the PP election, we deride and mock him, he starts another party, we deride and mock him. Notice the pattern there. Also notice that democracy works. If there are a group of people that want to elect Pizza the Hut to head their party....let them. I don't agree with much of what PtH believes in, he knows that. But I respect that he holds different beliefs because to do otherwise is stupid, ignorant and hypocritical. I guess what I am trying to say to the leaders of our country and the major parties is....grow up. You think you are better than he is? Prove it. Stop resorting to childish, underhanded tactics to take him out of power.

I know I know, "but he does it too" you say. Well then be the bigger person. And Pizza the Hut....you need to cool it to, but I am sure you hear that enough from other people.

Well now....I don't expect this article made me too many friends, but frankly I don't really give a damn if it did or not. It is the truth as I see it.

Hope everyone has a great day, I'm going back to bed and then I might go outside and enjoy the nice spring weather.

Thanks and God Bless,

Daniel Dodge