The Right Way. The Right Thing.

Day 682, 22:08 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I had this whole, massive thing wrote up, some rambling long rant about how one should act and how one should behave. About things my father taught me, and about things that I had learned. But, I felt after giving it a few read overs, I felt it was too long and would probably be looked over too easily.

There's a lot of stuff happening in The New World. There's been a large deal of things happening in The New World. Wars are being waged. Lands are being conquered for no reason better than a desire for revenge or to bandage wounded pride. Lands are being held from their rightful nations with such responses as 'you're not ready', or 'we must be paid our expenses'.

And there will be those who are going to read this, and respond in a manner stating how war is a good thing. How there is no suffering in The New World. How this is a game, and that the game will be played in what ever manner allows someone to win.

These people act as though they had some justification for behaviors that if they attempted in real life could result in incarceration or possibly worse. They act as though the fact that they’re playing a game is some sort of excuse for treating other people as simpletons or as though they were somehow less deserving.

But those people don’t matter. I know, I know. It’s easy to say that. It’s so easy, right up until those people turn on you, or they invade your country. But they don’t. I know there are more people out there, and more people in this game, who believe that acting in a manner that is mature, even if they’re only playing a game, is far more important than a ‘win at all cost’ attitude.

I challenge everyone who reads this article, those few of you who deign to grace me with your support, not to live your e-life in the manner you chose simply because you can. I challenge you to live your e-life the right way, doing the right thing, because that's the way you should.

Keep each other safe, New World. We've got a long way to go.