A Second Chance

Day 679, 15:33 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

What can I say? It's been awhile.

Over the course of last summer, which, even now, at the tail of September, seems like so long ago, I found myself away from the university, back at home, enjoying my summer break. Real life called, and, unfortunately, my E-life suffered. Suffered to the point that I died. I don't regret it, as I had a blast with friends and family, and yes, even work. But, I'm back at school, attending full time once more, and I find myself drawn back to Erep.

While I may not regret that I spent the majority of the summer relaxing and drinking beer with my friends, I do regret having let so many events in game pass me by. When I came back in early September, the E-world was turned upside down. PEACE had us on the run, eUK had abondoned all its former allies, and Russia was moving on DC. So, I put my nose to the grind stone, started working, fighting, and trying to the eUSA throw off the shackles of those who would enjoy nothing better than to watch us crumble.

A few friends said hello, and expressed surprise to see me. I kept on working, and reading, and pay attention. I remember what a pain it was to pay your own way through a war. I had once fought under the semi-(in)famous Habraka, in his (now defunct, I'm sure) private military company, and for the United States Airbourne, from which I was dishonorably discharged for insubordination. Turns out, it's kinda hard to follow orders when you never log in.

I also noticed that eSouth Africa had returned to the map. Some of you might know that I spent a great deal of time in eSouth Africa, attempting to assist in freeing its regions from Indonesia. In fact, this incarnation of my newspaper was designed specifically to reach out to eSouth Africans who were left behind when eBrazil and eIndonesia PTO'ed/invaded that nation. It seems that eSouth Africa has passed me by, though. Still, that's alright. While I might not agree with everything the current administration is doing in eSA, I will say that an E-world without South Africa is a much poorer place than the one with it. Best of luck to you guys on The Cape.

I feel that, with the liberation of the majority of North America from PEACE, that I have a second chance to be part of a great resistance in the New World. Where South Africa has moved on without me, maybe I can prove of use to my home, and the world at large, in a much more widespread conflict.

Never forget, my friends, that no real war, no real fight, no real conflict, can begin overseas, until we have removed Hungary from Washing, Alaska, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut. And, while we move to liberate our friends and allies from PEACE, we must also tend to matters at home. While eMexico did not violate the non-aggression pact that has been in place with them since the war between our countries, the move they made with eColumbia only serves to show that the relationship is still strained.

I would cheer the individual, or individuals, who attempt to thaw that frosty connection, and further secure our southern border. We have proven time and time again that we are allies with Canada. I ask, can we not move in a similar direction with Mexico?

Keep up the fight, eAmerica, and all those who are reading this. PEACE is terrible thing, and only our combined efforts will see us all free come the morning.

Keep each other safe, New World.