Things just went from bad to worse.

Day 664, 18:10 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Russia invades. They've made video games out of the premise, and one of the greatest pieces of American cinema, Red Dawn, was based on the ideas. Up until now I had dreams of leading resistance wars, shouting, 'Wolverines!' as I gunned down an unimaginable amount of Spetsnaz.

Well, those dreams are mostly like done with now. Today, at the age of 57, a great American actor died. Known for other films as well, such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing, Patrick Swayze, has passed away after his battle with pancreatic cancer. Now, any hope of an American lead victor inspired by the actions of that rag tag band of high school freedom fighters in the 80's are dashed.

Sure, we've still got Charlie Sheen... but who are we kidding. No one likes Charlie Sheen. Not even Charlie Sheen likes Charlie Sheen.

We'll miss you, Mr. Swayze.