Articles of Unity (Brazil)

Day 570, 06:17 Published in Brazil South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This article will be published in America, Indonesia, and Brazil.

There are a few things I wish to say before I being this article in earnest. Firstly; all of my articles are my opinions. Honestly, they should be called editorials, because that's certainly what they are. I use my newspaper to broadcast my thoughts, and I often receive little if any feed back. I don't hold back. I will call things as I see them. I will not apologize for anything I have said, because I don't think I've said anything wrong. Secondly; until now, I have avoided the biggest internal struggle between the two rival factions in South Africa; Free Africa and Black Lion Front. That ends now. For the record, I officially declare my membership to a political party; none of them. I read this paper, just like you are, and therefor, I am The Resistance. And nothing else. After this article, let none question my honesty, and let none jump for my favor.

My last article, Articles of Resistance, had some unforeseen benefits. Benefits you ask? Yes, benefits. Over the past week, The Resistance as lost much in the way of momentum, as the official negotations with Brazil and Indonesia have taken center stage. This is ultimately the price of diplomacy; things that are being discussed are often not allowed to be shared. And without knowledge of what is going on, of what is being discussed, it's easy for people to loose interest and to begin to drift away from the cause.

Articles of Resistance, as loaded and as provocative as it was, not only halted that drift, but reversed it. The responses I received ran from sad and angry to happy and jubilant. I saw a wealth of diversification and uniqueness in my mailbox, to an extent that I had never seen before. I will never cast South Africans away for their opinions, for the ideas. I will not allow them to be attacked or insulted because of them. I will embrace my brothers and my sisters, knowing that only through our ability to think, compromise, and accept each other will we ever have a chance to making South Africa free and sovereign once more.

The other benefit Articles of Resistance had was that it underlined just how divided and broken South Africa still is. My following words will sound harsh, because they are. Beyond the individuality and the true feelings and opinions I found in my mail box and in the comments of my articles, I also saw a great deal of immaturity and foolish rivalry, expressed as rudeness and pointless insults, that must end immediately.

Free Africa; among your ranks are the oldest members of South Africa. You are soldiers who have fought all across the New World. You are a corner stone from South Africa, for without your experience, we surely would have drowned months ago under the tide of PEACE aggression. But your words, and your actions, while nobly driven, are short sighted and a sign of weakness. South Africa needs you now, more than ever. Your claims of BLF dominance in the media are completely unfounded. And, your attempt to break away from official negotiations will ultimately serve to only weaken both the diplomatic and military efforts to free our home land. Your eagerness to jeer and heckle BLF members only serves to further the divide between everyone. You need to display the maturity your age dictates.

Black Lion Front; you have shown yourselves to be among the most determined and honest diplomatic leaders I have seen in my short time in this game. The efforts of Ines and her cabinet with regards to the official negotiations should be a source of pride for all South Africans. I don't envy your positions at all; if it was I who was to sit down among the likes of those who you must break bread with, I would probably end up in a fist fight with them. With that said, you must end this siege mentality you have. In the articles your supporters publish, there is no shortage of finger point, of name calling, of calling out individuals by name, and denouncing them for what they believe or feel. You accuse others of being divisive; I am here to tell you that a fair share for the divided state of our people lays at your feet.

These two parties are the foundation of South Africa. They are rivals, and while I feel rivalry is a fine thing, when it descends into pettiness and rudeness, it loses any sort of positive characteristics. There is no reason the official negotiations should not go forward. Diplomacy is a tool, that while incredibly difficult to wield effective, that cannot be underrated. On the same note, there is no reason why diplomatic and military efforts must be mutually exclusive. A great American statesmen, who saw the advantage and usefulness of 'gun boat diplomacy' once said something about speaking softly and carrying a big stick. I ask where is South Africa's big stick? Let us break bread with PEACE, and hope for the best. Let us also ready The Resistance for conflict, and prepare for the worst!

I challenge all parties from South Africa to disband. I challenge all individuals, and all citizens, to cast aside their old allegiances. Let me be the first, as I said at the beginning of this article; I hear by claim no loyalty to any party, South African or otherwise. I hear by pledge myself, my resources, and all my efforts, solely to The Resistance.

The future is ours, my friends. Even if the official negotiations end favorably, we will not see any sort of resolution for at least another month, and I think that's a generous estimate. Once again, I champion patience and endurance, as well as unity. Disband the parties. Let go of our rivalries, forgive each other for the things we have said and done, and let us come together as South Africa. Let us come together as The Resistance. And let us end our exile together!

If you are reading this, you are The Resistance.