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Multi-Account Use

14 Day 533, 19:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

AGladiator has gone above and beyond the call of duty, having ferreted out a number of Indonesian multi-accounts and their various parent accounts and organizations. I will include a link to the forum post he made, as well as a cut and paste of said

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A Beautiful Dawn!

8 Day 533, 08:15 Published in South Africa South Africa

If I hadn't seen the election results for myself, I would never have believed it. When I went to bed last night, Gabe trailed by sixty votes. I was tired, worn out, and sad at how the events of the day had fallen. I felt slighted. It's easy to read

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A Grim Dawn

19 Day 532, 19:04 Published in South Africa South Africa

With a lead of fifty plus votes, and approximately five hours till midnight, server time, it would appear that the Indonesian candidate, wizzie_don, will be South Africa’s new president come the morning. It’s time to face facts, and realize just how

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Prepare for an Impeachment.

8 Day 532, 12:15 Published in South Africa South Africa

I know the day is far from over, but, as of 12:11 pm, server time, wizzie_don is poised to overtake Gabriel Borien in the presidential elections. Now is not the time to cast blame or to allow ourselves to fall to partisan bickering.

This is a

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One Mutt for Another.

16 Day 529, 10:21 Published in South Africa South Africa

Claiming to have bigger fish to fry and wishing to save all the resources they can to help protect themselves from the Romanian onslaught, Indonesia retreated from Brazilian forces in Kwazulu-Natal like a pack of scalded rats last night. Currently,

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