One Mutt for Another.

Day 529, 10:21 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Claiming to have bigger fish to fry and wishing to save all the resources they can to help protect themselves from the Romanian onslaught, Indonesia retreated from Brazilian forces in Kwazulu-Natal like a pack of scalded rats last night. Currently, the only South African region held by Indonesia is the Western Cape. Brazil occupies Kwazulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape, and the Northern Cape.

And that ravening collection of mongrels we call PEACE bays and brays like they’ve actually proven something. I guess we should be impressed; anytime Brazil gets involved with something, it tends to be a complete mess and total fubar.

I’ll be honest with you all; I’d rather fight an Indo than someone from Brazil. Indos have this terrible tenacity, and they just refuse to give up. There’s something satisfying about kicking their teeth down their throats. It’s the way just refuse to see the writing on the wall. They’re blind, and they fight all the for harder for just that reason.

But if I have to fight Brazilians, I’ll do that with the exact same level of happiness that I would have shown to an Indo.

We beat them once. We’ll beat them again. Two months ago South Africa forced a government sponsored political take over back across the Atlantic. With leadership the likes of Bunaly, their attempted TO feel apart at the seems, and the congressional elections that month saw a complete and total failure of the Brazilian effort. It looks like no matter how many times you teach someone from Brazil a lesson, they just forget it a month or two later. No wonder they’re so busy riding the coat tails of Indonesia.

And for all your little Brazilians who think you’re being funny with this world cup nonsense; I’m going to show you all how to play soccer. You bring your balls, I’ll make sure I break them. Whenever you’re ready ladies.

Death to PEACE! In their homes, and around the world!

Epic Thoughts
Commander of ADF 1st Medium Infantry Division
“We didn’t come here to fight. We are the fight!”