A Grim Dawn

Day 532, 19:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

With a lead of fifty plus votes, and approximately five hours till midnight, server time, it would appear that the Indonesian candidate, wizzie_don, will be South Africa’s new president come the morning. It’s time to face facts, and realize just how dire the situation is.

Most likely what will happen is, once wizzie_don is confirmed as the president, we will see Brazil propose to declare war on South Africa. This will take twenty four hours, as is standard for such proposals. Things start to get sketchy here, as I’ve heard that any attempt to impeach a president within twenty four hours after his election is automatically canceled by the administration. This will give Brazil at least twenty four hours with which to operate before wizzie_don is impeached. Most likely, after Brazil’s declaration is approved by its congress, we will see them invade. In response to these invasion, I fully expect wizzie_don to retreat time and time again from each battle.

The time to act is now. Congress must act to protect South Africa’s treasury, and any weapon caches or supplies. While I’m not one hundred percent sure on how South Africa has chosen to handle its finances, what I’ve managed to garner shows that they are decentralized and out of the immediate control of the government. In this situation, that’s a good thing.

I’m not going to hold out a lot of hope for tomorrow, guys. We’re in for a rough spot. We got screwed. We got screwed by questionable means. We all saw those number skyrocket, and we all know what that means. We won’t get a hand from the administration. We’re out here on our own, and the only option we have is to pull together, everyone. I don’t care if you’re from Black Lion Front or Free Africa or Universal Left or whatever party. I don’t care if your black, white, pink, or green. South Africa’s near future is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.

This isn’t over. I promise each and every one of you that this isn’t over.

Now, man the walls. We’re in for a long night.