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The Basics of Moving

0 Day 557, 13:13 Published in USA USA

This article will be published in America, Indonesia, and Brazil.

With The Resistance mobilizing and the call going out to all loyal South Africans, moving tickets and destinations seem to be the order of the day. I will include in this article

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If you are reading this, you are The Resistance (Indonesia)

14 Day 555, 11:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

This article will be published in America, Indonesia and Brazil.

South Africa has fallen. After months of defeating take over after take over, the combined efforts of Indonesia and Brazil, neither of which had the power or ability to dominate our

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If you are reading this, you are The Resistance (Brazil)

33 Day 555, 11:03 Published in Brazil Brazil

This article will be published in America, Indonesia and Brazil.

South Africa has fallen. After months of defeating take over after take over, the combined efforts of Indonesia and Brazil, neither of which had the power or ability to dominate our

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If you are reading this, you are The Resistance.

10 Day 555, 11:02 Published in USA USA

This article will be published in America, Indonesia and Brazil.

South Africa has fallen. After months of defeating take over after take over, the combined efforts of Indonesia and Brazil, neither of which had the power or ability to dominate our

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The Matter at Hand; Congressional Elections

10 Day 548, 14:12 Published in South Africa South Africa

The German-Sweden Conflict has given rise to all manner of emotional reactions, with people siding with one nation or the other, as the government attempts to remain neutral in the face of such public outcry. I have no envy for Gabriel and those who

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