A Beautiful Dawn!

Day 533, 08:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

If I hadn't seen the election results for myself, I would never have believed it. When I went to bed last night, Gabe trailed by sixty votes. I was tired, worn out, and sad at how the events of the day had fallen. I felt slighted. It's easy to read about take overs in another country, to say that they're wrong, and to move on with your e-life. It's a whole other thing to actually have to live through one.

I wrote my last article, full of doom and gloom, urging unity and preparedness. I wrote it, and I was sure that the dawn would bring us another bought of Brazilian-Indonesian aggression.

And South Africa won.

I'm still grinning at that sentence. I said it when I saw Gabe was the new president, and I can't help by laugh now, an hour later, as I'm waking up and drinking my tea. You guys did it. We had a lot of help, that's for certain. But that doesn't take away from the fact that this is a South African victory. Everyone here needs to be proud of what was accomplished. Indonesian aggression was beaten back. We took their cheating candidate to task for what he attempted, and we beat him. We looked him in the eyes, and in the immortal words of Jizzie, we told him, "Click-click, pop, click-pop, pop-pop!"


Enjoy this victory, my friends. You've earned it. But don't for a second think we're done here. If one thing is for certain, Indonesia, Brazil, and PEACE will attempt another PTO when the congressional elections happen. They will seek to impeach Gabriel and place wozzie in command. Wozzie himself has already vowed to return and try again.

And those are just the political avenues of attack. I would be surprised if Indonesia can control Brazil all the way to the next elections. I would completely expect Brazilian invasions in the next few weeks.

The lesson we should have learned here is clear and obvious; unity will always triumph. I have to be honest with you guys. There was a lot of fighting among South Africans when wozzie took the lead last night. There was a lot of finger pointing. For the sake of South Africa's future, we cannot afford to allow that happen anymore. The parties need to unite. You need to decide, before hand, what's going to happen with the election. You guys need to figure out who's going to vote for who, and which candidates are the most deserving. Those words may sound pragmatic, they may sound anti-democratic. But it's the cold, hard truth in this conflict, in the Liberation War.

Unity for Sovereignty. Sovereignty for Liberation. Liberation for South Africa!

I thank each and every individual who came here to assist South Africa in its time of need. You are all heroes. Every last single one of you. I won't forget what you did, and I doubt any South African ever will. We owe you a great debt, and I look forward to being able to repay your generosity in kind.

I just received my marching orders, and once the tickets come in, I will again be leaving South Africa. It's the first time in my service with the ADF that I actually don't want to go. I cast my lot in with you folks yesterday, and as I was busy canvasing/spamming members of the various parties, it occurred to me what I was doing.

I was fighting for my home. I may be American born, both in the real world and this one, but, at least with this one, when the day comes along, and I finally grow tired of fighting for the ADF, I will be coming home to South Africa.

I love everyone of you. You came together yesterday, and you defeated Indo, and PEACE, once again. You are my friends, and my country men. I will stand with you now, forever, and always.