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Simply amazed.

5 Day 547, 16:36 Published in South Africa South Africa


I'm not even sure how to start this article. I was thinking today how the world was changing in the

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Sad State of Affairs

1 Day 545, 12:21 Published in USA USA

This has to be some sort of joke. The admins, in all their wisdom (or apparent lack there of) have cleared PEACE of any sort of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Romania sits on its hands while Hungary and Indonesia continue to chew up territory and

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Sad State of Affairs (ENG)

21 Day 545, 12:21 Published in Sweden Sweden

This has to be some sort of joke. The admins, in all their wisdom (or apparent lack there of) have cleared PEACE of any sort of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Romania sits on its hands while Hungary and Indonesia continue to chew up territory and

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Sad State of Affairs (ENG)

10 Day 545, 12:18 Published in Germany Germany

This has to be some sort of joke. The admins, in all their wisdom (or apparent lack there of) have cleared PEACE of any sort of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Romania sits on its hands while Hungary and Indonesia continue to chew up territory and

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Sad State of Affairs

29 Day 545, 12:17 Published in South Africa South Africa

This has to be some sort of joke. The admins, in all their wisdom (or apparent lack there of) have cleared PEACE of any sort of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Romania sits on its hands while Hungary and Indonesia continue to chew up territory and

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