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Greetings My Theocratic Family

21 Day 722, 23:19 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hail to the Dios!

Hail to Theocracy!

Greetings my brothers and sisters. I am General Donovan Thomas; formerly the Minster of Defence, Minster of Intelligence, … read more »

The Last Issue of Cork and Whine

48 Day 722, 13:53 Published in Ireland Ireland


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I debated on writing this, but since I plan to publish in my new home with my new family I thought I should give those of you in eIreland

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A Mandate...

9 Day 717, 00:02 Published in Ireland Ireland

Manifest Destiny

Mandate. The word is powerful... And often misunderstood. Foes fear the word. Allies wear it like a shield. I tell you this morning eIreland that there is a mandate afoot across our Fair Isle. It … read more »

We Could Be Heroes...

11 Day 712, 18:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Want to be a Hero?

I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing,
nothing will keep us
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How long til the end? The price of survival

35 Day 707, 13:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Here it is short and sweet... Please read all links, this is too important for me to waste time re-writing

The admins read more »