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[Ireland] Reply to Longbaugh

17 Day 776, 12:30 Published in Ireland Ireland

This article is in answer to a comment by Longbaugh on Kavrocks article located here:

I thought it polite not to “hijack” Kav’s article with a wall of read more »

The First Letter of Donovan to the Democrats

24 Day 774, 11:00 Published in South Korea South Korea

Donovan Thomas, a Warrior in the Theocratic Holy Army—sent not from men nor by man, but by The Dios, who gave him purpose and made him whole— and all the brothers … read more »

Notes From the Battlefield [Fiction]

7 Day 763, 00:12 Published in South Korea South Korea

Coffee at the pad

The only thing worse than a lull in war is a Multi Hunt. Though it’s a necessary evil, it’s boring… I take no pleasure in it. Well, perhaps a little when the hollow point strikes the cranium of the target … read more »

Last Night's Theocratic Christmas Party

17 Day 761, 19:09 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hail the Dios!

Hail Theocracy!

Hail to my brothers and sisters!

Note:Tonight's article is for the non-Theos

Dio I love Theocracy. If you discount the “ … read more »

Hail The Theocratic Holy Army!

20 Day 744, 17:12 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hail the Dios!

Hail Theocracy!

Hail to my brothers and sisters!

It was my distinct pleasure to fight at your side today! As I watched the cascade of my family, many in our … read more »