Greetings My Theocratic Family

Day 722, 23:19 Published in South Korea Japan by Donovan Thomas

Hail to the Dios!

Hail to Theocracy!

Greetings my brothers and sisters. I am General Donovan Thomas; formerly the Minster of Defence, Minster of Intelligence, Minister of Information and Congressman [Dublin] from eIreland;

But I am now a Warrior in the Holy Theocratic Army. Have no doubt as to my loyalty. I shall bleed for you as surely as you were my kin, for now you are.

This is the first article of "The New Praetorian" formerly "Cork and Whine" of eIreland.

Tonight I severed ties with my former homeland. To my great surprise and joy when I finished (sadly for I had not originally chosen to turn away from my Fair Emerald Isle) I returned to my news board to find that we had been called to service [Silent Leges Inter Arma!] to fight RED (orders here) in a Resistance War.

In mere minutes of wonderful conversation on IRC with Calangao I experienced in one highly efficient and professional fell swoop what I had tried to create in my birthland for so very e-long (and was unable to do so);

The end result of Love, Loyalty to Dio, Purpose and Meaning;
A true and real Martial Movement with Support and Tangible Backing.
I am humbled. Praise to the Dios, and love to you my Brothers and Sisters in Arms!

That is all I wished to express to you tonight... my outpouring of esteem and comradeship.

I leave you with this...

My parting gift to my former homeland was thus;

You, my Brothers and Sisters have already received the lesson therein, for it is ingrained in your very nature.

For you my Brothers and Sisters I give you this piece of John Keats, whose name was writ in water;

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

That is you... so very well summed up.

Theocracy Shall Never Die!

Silent Leges Inter Arma!
