How long til the end? The price of survival

Day 707, 13:19 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Here it is short and sweet... Please read all links, this is too important for me to waste time re-writing

The admins have raised the MPP cost to 100 Gold.

This is from the Admins article entitled Some eRepublik Updates

"Another thing that we would like to announce, is that starting with day 714 of the New World, the price of signing an Alliance will increase from 30 to 100 GOLD. The Alliances signed until then will remain active.We do this modification because right now it is too easy to have 20, or even 30 allied countries (half of eRepublik countries), which is unrealistic and leaves no space for surprises. Presidents will have to choose allies more carefully and prioritize them."

What does this mean for eIreland? We aren't as safe anymore, not by a long shot...

I implore you to read these two articles...

The Death of Small Countries

Admins tell small nations to suck it

We have work to do. And Fast. Future wargames just got VERY expensive not to mention having to ally under invasion, when every piece of gold counts...

Speak up eIreland!!!



Write a Feed back ticket here ...

Tell the admins you do not approve of the change!!!

[UPDATE] See this article and vote it up for the outstanding hard work of our Foreign Affairs Team... Then head over to the forum and make your voice heard. Cheers to Darragh et al. Admin still need that feedback ticket though!

Very Respectfully,
Colonel Donovan Thomas