We Could Be Heroes...

Day 712, 18:34 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Want to be a Hero?

I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing,
nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, for ever and ever
Oh we can be Heroes,
just for one day

So… there you are. I can see you, sitting at your computer. Your “Portal to World Domination”, your “Facebook with a War Mod”. Perhaps it is just your distraction in between TPS reports and endless emails at work…

But there you are. Sitting… watching… waiting.

I know you. You are one of the 1300 plus in my little eCountry that clicks along and lets the world sweep then up like so much flotsam on a sea of excitement…

I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can be Heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day

War! PTO! Economic Downturn! Economic Boom! So, you like to watch…
It all happens around you. And you click on… Perhaps watching the numbers pile up is what gets your rocket to launch; maybe adding friends indiscriminately though talking to none is your thing. Are you a corporate guru who also ranks as a Corporal? Do you own no newspaper, have no congressional medal, blush at the thought of battle hero or Country President… just… watch?

I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns shot above our heads
(over our heads)
And we kissed,
as though nothing could fall
(nothing could fall)
And the shame was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be Heroes,
just for one day

I watched the wall come down in Manitoba from my iPhone while sitting at a gas station in California. My friends were making eHistory and I was pumping crude into a disgusting gas guzzler with a hemi. As they started dancing in the e-streets (again, not a reference to The Boss) all I could think was “Damn Congress”. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be part of that moment… I’ve had some moments… but have you?

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be Heroes

So what’s stopping you? Sure some of the media giants and comment clique are daunting. There are some VERY smart players in this game… but it is a game. What keeps those fingers from flying when a treasury is stolen or an account hacked? What keeps you from using your VOICE?

This is the internet ladies and gents. This is anonymous. Some of the greatest eWorld leaders are far less than attractive. Many lack the basic social skills to actually leave their computer and kiss a real girl or boy. Are you one of them? Then speak out! Start fighting! Spend two gold for that newspaper and start telling the eWorld how wonderful or absolutely boring it is… Feel a little e-sexy... Flex!

But do something…

We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying,
then you better not stay
But we could be safer,
just for one day

You signed up here. You stuck around the hardest times… the first few days where the idiocy of two clicking seemed a boon and then… uh… omg… There is More!

But you decided to keep clicking away…. I say you are missing out. Get in the mix… join the process… become part of the solution, or, create the next problem…

But Be…

Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh,
just for one day

Come on Ghosts of eRepublik… we are waiting to meet you….

Don’t be this guy…