A Mandate...

Day 717, 00:02 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Manifest Destiny

Mandate. The word is powerful... And often misunderstood. Foes fear the word. Allies wear it like a shield. I tell you this morning eIreland that there is a mandate afoot across our Fair Isle. It wraps us like a cloak of strength... it enfolds us like wings of a benevolent angel.

Let us explore the word...

The word Mandate is of French/Latin origin. The primordial is a past participle of Mandare: To Entrust... From Merriam Webster I will choose number one and two definitions paraphrased... [my words in brackets]

1. an authoritative command; especially : a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one... [the "inferior" court being in our case The People]

2. an authorization to act given to a representative; accepted the mandate of the people

Our esteemed President Patton has undoubtedly received a Mandate from his people. He has been given the ultimate vote of confidence. Allow me to say in simple words what we the eIRish People have told out President:

"Sir, We, The eIrish People entrust upon you our safety and well being. You Sir have earned our respect; You alone have united this e-country under a banner of strength, non-partisan unity and above all, Trust."

Mr. President, no poster, no banner alone could show my esteem for your service, for your delegation, for your leadership... I can only;


As a former public servant under your trust I must sir call you to task... I therefore along with my congratulations bring the following questions and meager requests...

Sir, at the end of this term of which I am quite sure you shall fulfill, you will have given our land ninety days (Twelve eYears by some measure) of just, even handed and fair rule... therefore I ask you...

1. How sir, can you you make Eire stronger? How shall you bring us to the world stage? We do value our neutrality sir, but our neutrality is a badge of honor... We are a small but brave land than has kept our voice low, our hand still... how shall we announce ourselves to the world, how shall we show that we eIreland have muscle to flex and shall not be ignored?

2. Our Economy has merely seen it's ups and downs... can you make us rich again sir? Those of us in the arms trade have seen an uptake in funds since our 24hr wars have begun... but we are not the only vendors in the land... Tell us sir, be bold and make the common man wealthy...

3. The people crave a baby boom sir. We have done much to increase our demographic... but how shall you bring the unknown eIrish to our shores? How shall you truly bring us to the forefront?

I beg you sir. Use this mandate. Tempt fate. Do not allow this last month of unabashed eIrish trust to go the wayside... I beg you sir, be bold and show us the way. Take the reigns firmly in your hand and take your place not just as one of our best leaders... but as our best... our brightest...

Our President.

Congratulations Sir... My President... My Friend...

Very Respectfully,

General Donovan Thomas

eIrish Citizen