The Last Issue of Cork and Whine

Day 722, 13:53 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas


Please listen while you read...


I debated on writing this, but since I plan to publish in my new home with my new family I thought I should give those of you in eIreland and abroad who are holdovers from my days as MoD a chance to unsubscribe.

Many of you have contacted me and for the most part been understanding and supportive. I had planned to remain a voice in eIreland's media as Grainne has done but after I've seen the way many have turned on Conor for doing the job (properly) that you asked of him I am too sickened to do so.

Those of you whom I still actively keep in contact with will still hear from me.

I have a great deal of respect for many of you. Some of you not. I'll not list either group, I'm sure you know who you are.

[EDIT] General Micktrim reminded me that I did not include a "No Opinion" group... but then again, Gen. Micktrim has my highest esteem... so the request is moot 😉

If you don't want opinion, stop reading here

I'll leave one last bit... eIreland suffers from a cancer. A cancer of complacency blanketed in a false sense of security. eIreland is highly advanced in areas of law. That in itself is wonderful. Otherwise she is a wallflower at one of the greatest dances in the world...

eIreland needs weapons and smart soldiers. She needs state owned companies with soldiers working for the price of food and she needs to supply those same soldiers with the weapons, gifts and gold needed to rank up to defend her. She needs disciplined and loyal soldiers...

It is a sad, sad state that she wont support that. I tried to implement it and it was ignored. The fact that eIreland does not have enough weapons to last more than 48 hours didn't seem to phase anyone in the administration. It should scare the hell out of all of you.

There is no reason why eIreland should not be brimming with Field Marshals and Generals.

But she "Knows" she will never be invaded... even if that were true (which time and again we are shown is NOT) it is still a sad and cowardly way to live.

I love you eIreland. But I cant look you in the eye anymore. As I watch the subscription numbers fall and the tell tale alerts of friends removing me know this;

There still exist among you those with the ability to make you great. You know who they are. They are the one's doing the work, not watching. Get behind them and lift them up. Hit the e-gym, build those muscles and stand up on your own.

*one last salute to the IDF*

General Donovan Thomas
Theocratic Holy Army

(Kol, this is your cue to ban me from the forums like you did to Grainne)

Flame on