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Your day from the stars

30 Day 3,402 ,19:17 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Hi Everyboody,

Well what a day it has been, I have been so so busy, I haven't even written a CP commentary article. But after the tearful message our Superstar CP sent me, I … 更多 »

For the love of El Fap Padre

9 Day 3,401 ,19:00 刊登在 Czech Republic Czech Republic 經濟焦點 經濟焦點

Hi Cz,

Everyone's beloved dictator and all around great player, El Fap Padre, reached out to me with news that he has lowered your Import Tax to help … 更多 »

{eRep} New CP Day 8: Stupid is as Stupid does.

36 Day 3,401 ,02:15 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Ummm hello eIreland,

As you might of noticed from my last article, I had hoped to see the consolatory tone of the media to … 更多 »

{eRep} New CP Day 6 and a quarter: Changes

7 Day 3,399 ,03:22 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

David Bowie, Changes

Greetings eIreland,

I was holding this article off in light of some other recent press developments, but I will release a slightly shorter one[/更多 »

{eRep} New CP Day 5: Join the dot's

38 Day 3,398 ,00:01 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hey eIreland,

As I stated in my last article:

"While this article is slightly different in it's layout
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