{eRep} New CP Day 6 and a quarter: Changes

Day 3,399, 03:22 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D
David Bowie, Changes

Greetings eIreland,

I was holding this article off in light of some other recent press developments, but I will release a slightly shorter one now. But for our regular readers, don't worry the latest 'Donation Law' has been noticed. But I will not discuss that today. Instead I want to address two articles that went into print during yesterdays activities....

First of all, CP/Dict Releasethe Krakken released and article clearing the name of Kattiaa in regards to a theft of 1k cc she was accused of. While this article might of left a lot to be desired, in the way the 'clearing' of her name and the reasons behind the initial accusation, the vast majority of readers took it as a sign of change, of good. In fact his article obtaining a larger then normal voting amount.

Shortly after Krakken wrote his article, Kattiaa returned the olive branch, and released her statement. Where she stated that she is willing to give our CP/Dictator a second chance in running this country, after all in her words 'With the mess Trito left him with, I've likely been a bit harsh in my comments and not given him a chance to prove himself.'.

With these two players kissing and making up, it brings an end to that little issue. However, it also leaves some other outstanding issues and accusations. Like many other players, I am hopeful these out standing issues/gripes/conflicts can also be sorted out, so as a nation, eIreland can unite and work together for the betterment of our current situation. eIreland is wiped, it has trade embargo's on the two occupying nations, this should be enough for people to extend olive branches and start to work together.

As you might of seen from the tone of this article, I am also someone who is happy to extend an olive branch and to help with the rebuilding of eIreland. I have spoken to our CP/Dict in this regards, how ever I have also expressed what I would like to see happen first, before I give it my all to help.

So for now, I will leave this article short and sweet. Are changes about to take place? Are people beginning to realise working together we are much stronger? Are people trying to make amends for the past and look toward the future?

I for one, am hopeful we might see a few extra articles over the next couple of days, one's of consolidation, to try and put the past issues behind. They might not be to the level some are wanting, but every step in the right direction is a small step towards unity.

Thanking you all,
Rusty D
An expat abroad.

For other general musings, please take a look at my Orgs Newspaper: Here