For the love of El Fap Padre

Day 3,401, 19:00 Published in Czech Republic United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hi Cz,

Everyone's beloved dictator and all around great player, El Fap Padre, reached out to me with news that he has lowered your Import Tax to help provide products and market stimulus to your great nation Czech.

So with a Cz market lic that I have had for a while (some old faces might remember that I always held Cz close to me), I have answered his calls with the first shipment of goods:

All these products are at the time of listing, below world wide market rates. This is do-able for me, due to your low import taxes. If you miss out on a bargin, sorry, however at least your nation will be earning some money from the taxes.

I will try and increse my production levels to ensure I can provide a steady stream of Q1 houses, Q7 tanks, Q1 and Q4 food. However unfortantly our Dictator Releasethe Stupid has got our nation wiped and then put Trade Embargo's on our occupiers (I know right, WTF??). So for now, I can not hire more workers to slave in my factories.

But dont worry, I will still try and provide for you guys.

All Hail the Mighty and Great El Fap Padre \o/

All hail Czech Girls \o/

Yours with love,
Rusty D