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{eRep} CP Policy Paper

18 Day 3,481 ,20:46 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hello eIreland,

With Country President elections only a few days away, I thought I better do up an article outlining what my policies will be, if I am … 更多 »

Law Proposal - Reduction of Import Taxes on moving tickets

5 Day 3,478 ,04:30 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Law Proposal

Dear citizens of eIreland,

This article is about a proposal I will be making as an elected congress member of eIreland, May - June term.

Law Proposal

Reduction of 'Import Taxes' on 更多 »

The 100

38 Day 3,475 ,15:22 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Today while fighting this popped up

Which meant I had finished this

and it gave me this

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{eIre MoF} Ministry of Finance

33 Day 3,426 ,00:34 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 經濟焦點 經濟焦點

Greeting's eIreland,

Before we get started, the Department of Finance would like to congratulate Machiavelli on … 更多 »

{Omega Eireann} Update and CP Elections - EDITED

30 Day 3,422 ,19:51 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greeting eIreland,

This article will just be a brief update on the happenings of one of eIrelands political parties, [url=https://www.erepublik.com/en/party/omega-更多 »