Your day from the stars

Day 3,402, 19:17 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hi Everyboody,

Well what a day it has been, I have been so so busy, I haven't even written a CP commentary article. But after the tearful message our Superstar CP sent me, I have decided not to do one today. Instead I will just waffle on about some nonsense things, so people think that I am actually active.

Party President Elections

Our current Party President Machiavelli has asked me to run for Party President. While this little tid bit of information is for Omega Eireann members, people like Fenoglioteam will be going to vote for their new Party Presidents.

Now many of you might not remember what it is like to live in a democratic eIreland, but soon due to game mechanics eIreland will be free. Granted that by the time it happens, we wont have a congress (with congress elections 10 days away, we will need to get a region back soon and I doubt that happening with the way things a going), but the role of Party Presidents and the party as one, will be soon back in the spotlight.

So when you go to vote for your Party Presidents today, remember that they help control party growth, by advertising it and running it. A strong party means it stays in the top 5 and can get it's members into congress. The PP is the one who picks the congress running order, so it is up to them to ensure that the most vocal and active members of their party represent them in congress, to ensure laws are properly discussed before being voted on, MPPs are not rejected because someone has personal issues, Donation laws are Questioned so the public can ensure no money is being siphoned off.

All in all, it is the first step to ensuring the nation is not burning and it is growing. By the way of ensuring the government is held accountable for their actions, rather then them covering things up.

Military babble

The MU Kattiaa created and passed onto me to run, was originally named Irish Republican Army. This is solely due to the fact it is based in Ireland, we believe in a return to a Republic and not dictatorship and surprise... it is an Army. But alas, people complained and after a chat with Gucio, I decided to keep the admins happy and changed the name. However I did voice my disappointment about how other international MU's can be named after RL units that have committed atrocities in war, named after controversial historical events etc. But I digress and risk more FP's, so at a princely sum of 2 gold, I changed the name to Window Lickers INC.

I will be continuing the drops to this Military Unit and will soon be preparing the fighters for a push from one of our allies. This push will be a joint multinational battle and rest assured Window Lickers INC will be their on the battle field fighting with our brothers and sisters, even if our own government doesn't tell us where to fight.

In other military news/developments/news from the trenches, the supply drop went very well. I would like to thank everyone who took part and I hope that the supplies came to you in a very timely matter. I know it can be difficult for some people to do drops inbetween nap time.

The finger traps provided by Careful will come to great use in the next drop

But this drop went well, even though I have been on holidays. I also want to say a big 'Thank You' to Careful from the Clerics MU for sending some extra supplies. These will be used in the next drop for all Irish citizens, to ensure they can fight for our freedom as well as our allies.


I took the time to write a few educational articles during my time in eAustralia, one which I have already updated and released here. But I want input from You the public on what you would like to learn. Don't worry if it sounds stupid, as they say "There is no stupid question, just a stupid answer", so if you want articles based on:

Game Mechanics eg. How many battles does it take to get a region back? or What happens when someone proposes an Embargo law?

Game tips and tricks eg. What are the benefits of houses? or How to make the most of your factories while being wiped? or How to successfully gain a region?

Outside game info eg. How to create a email address? or Discord tips? or even How to survive in a country that is not welcoming to foreigners with out having a hissy fit?

Please comment below and I will add it to my growing list of education articles. As I believe a smart populace is an asset to the nation.

End of it

Well since this article has taken me all day, as well as how hard it was to do a drop and work in a few factories, I must now take a nap... so until later, tune out of the horrors we are facing and know that eIreland will always regrow and put the terrible times behind it.

With lots of love,
Uncle Rusty D
Here to please.