{eRep} New CP Day 5: Join the dot's

Day 3,398, 00:01 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hey eIreland,

As I stated in my last article:

"While this article is slightly different in it's layout then my past articles, I hope it helps kick the readers minds into thinking more about actions being taken, think about other possibilities, rather than 'the line' that is being preached to them. Start to ask why, start to question, start to connect the dots. Ireland your future is in your hands, the power to change it is in your voices, your keystrokes and your votes."

I thought I would continue on with this vein of trying to encourage/provoke thought. Today I will let you the eIreland public play a game called connect the dot's. We all remember this as a kid, where you would draw a line on the paper, connecting the numbers ie. 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and so on, and at the end it becomes an image of something. However if you did it wrong, it would just be squiggles on a piece of paper. But instead of numbers, I will be posting pictures, screen grabs (only of publicly available material), quotes etc and letting you in eIreland to ask questions, to think and to connect the dot's as you see fit. After all apparently I am running a campaign of mis-information and lies... something my accuser is well versed in, and I would hate for these accusations to continued 🙁

Lets play connect the dot's

Note: I am not implying anything. I am not 'flamming' or accusing anyone of anything. I am simply posting images that are in my opinion interesting. And letting you the public decide what you want to make of these images. Call it a social experiment on the way the RL media reports news, or even how some people run election smear campaigns, or a way to provoke thought and questions.

Subject: MoD
Location: Public Irish Discord Server

Note: Censored word, to prevent breaching eRep rules about foul langauge

Subject: Ruin/Run
Location: Public Irish Discord Server

Subject: Speaking the truth when drunk
Location: Google (search)

Subject: Irish MU's
Location: Public Irish Discord Server

Subject: Donate Law
Location: eIreland Admin screen

Subject: Dictatorship Upkeep
Location: Latest Updates Day 3,384

Subject: Gold Price
Location: eRep Money Markets

Subject: Donations
Location: eRep Ireland Economy Screen

Subject: Wipe
Location: eRepublik Maps

Subject: Liberation Rules
Location: Latest Updates Day 2,653

Subject: Department of Defense
Location: DoD Newspaper Day 3,397

Meme for lol use only and for page break

Game Over

Well that is the end of todays game of connect the dot's. I hope it has made you think about a few things, be it that Rusty D should really take the tinfoil hat off his head and put down his copy of The Catcher in the Rye or maybe it made you want to ask questions of myself or the government or even Santa. But most of all, I hope it has made you sit up and pay attention to the media feed in eRep as well as RL. How information printed could be telling the truth, exposing something untoward, linking far off conclusions to make a nothing story seem big or even confuse you. Read all the information you can get your hands on, study the sources and the history about it (both the info and the source), look into the past and see what has happened, who has done what. But most of all Think for yourself.

Memes/Pics in relation to the message

New Government Motto?

55% food bonuses 90% food bonuses to Spain
70% weapon bonuses 90% weapon bonuses to Spain
1% Work Tax if you could actually work, thanks embargo laws
Low VAT if you could actually sell something on our market
Come join us! Why join us?

Thanking you all,
Rusty D
An expat abroad.

For other general musings, please take a look at my Orgs Newspaper: Here