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[WGC] 'There Can Be Only 1' on Day 1111

38 Day 1,111, 22:48 Published in Canada Canada

December 5th, a significant day for eCanada: CP elections, Quebec invasion, 1111 - the day of The Highlander…say wha?

That’s right, today there can be only 1s:
1 President elected
1 Winner of the battle for Quebec
1 Person to click the

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[NID] SPP: Sweaters Pour Plaisantin

6 Day 1,093, 22:07 Published in Canada Canada

(title probably lost in translation....)

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The GF Tale of Steve - Chief Paladin of Justice

29 Day 1,089, 08:30 Published in Canada Canada

This was supposed to be a reply to a thread in the forum's Judicial folder, but I decided it would not be on par with Court etiquette. Most … read more »

The El Dorado 6 and Ticket Registry

9 Day 1,087, 09:58 Published in Canada Canada

Buenos Dias eCanada,

Our El Dorado Tours have been operating with success over the last few days (see link to original article). We’ve

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Eldorado Charter Tours: Book Now for Your Reward

34 Day 1,085, 15:53 Published in Canada Canada

Traveled Already:
Rainer N
Lord of Painkillers
Alias Vision
Captain Kushskins

Current Ticket Holders (2 sets available):

Next Up:
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