The GF Tale of Steve - Chief Paladin of Justice

Day 1,089, 08:30 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

This was supposed to be a reply to a thread in the forum's Judicial folder, but I decided it would not be on par with Court etiquette. Most people call the Supreme Court role-playing, so let’s couch it in those terms.

A couple months ago, saltydog was asked to switch alignment to Lawful Good and become a Paladin (Supreme Court Justice). He was given The Holy Mace of Judicial Smiting that allowed him to determine the fate of other players and NPCs (such as 1ronman). Things went along very well despite a few disturbances and idiosyncrasies, such as dressing himself up as Steve the Mighty Warrior of the Eurasian Plains, which some of us just chalked up as a unique way to play a Lawful Good character.

The scenario went downhill, though, when the Chief Paladin guarding the Temple of Justice began to spray graffiti all over its walls and tell-off other temple patrons. At this point, the Dungeon Master forum admin took notice and decided that the Paladin had gone so far beyond his Lawful Good alignment that his character sheet would be removed from the forum game.

Other players, like halfling bard Plugson, didn’t want to see that happen because they thought he was a good addition to the party despite the awkward fit of his current role, so he implored that Steve give in to the DM’s torture and reveal his true identity lest his health points hit zero and be never resurrected in the World of Forumcraft.

Steve, please don't give them reason to have your character sheet get torn up. I've got another party you can join if you are interested.