[NID] SPP: Sweaters Pour Plaisantin

Day 1,093, 22:07 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

(title probably lost in translation....)

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1. There is very little enforcement of removing multis
2. People abuse the name of the dead to advance their own interests, and our martyrs are self-crucified.
3. The influx of teabaggers into Canada
4. Single picture articles
5. Not enough value is placed on earnest contributions to the community; more attention is paid to misdeeds than good ones, and we crap on peoples hard work.
6. A lack of Kelly Mahoney
8. The DAL abandoning its principles.
9. 13 Businesses, 5 Orgs, 1075 Gold, and 63,000 CAD to Rolo Tahmasee
10. Bitter loves company
11. 35,000 CAD to The Evil One
12. Inflation
13. Anonymous attack ads
14. eCanada's way of governing is anything BUT transparent.
15. Knowing that eventually the players you respect will either be smeared or proven
16. Good congressman not voted in by the electorate can still be in Congress.
17. Censorship
18. Censorship
19. Censorship (Dominik wrote this several more times, but we didn’t like it, so the rest was deleted à la admin)
20. People posting comments and articles containing vulgarity.
21. Distrust in the security of the eCanada Forums for private messages
22. “England Prevails!”
23. ~lemu~
24. Nosyt outright cursing at admins in a comment : 0
25. Penguin Comics now have too many words in them.
26. ‘fer the lulz’ is so commonplace that people are losing their patience with ‘funny’
27. Lack of features in the game. Needs varying political systems mainly.
28. Most of the drama is navel-gazing, an attempt to gain attention for oneself without actually advancing a political ideal. AB was the last person to do something constructive out of destructive behaviour.
29. Long Sabre Rattling without wearing proper protection
30. That sensible female players like Dycey, K Mahoney, and Stelawrat tend to get fed up and pull back.
31. A noob nation
32. There's a liberal fascist oligarchy bringing us all down.
34. 50,000 CAD for the Ministry of Finance
37. People not listening to the people that matter like saltydog.
38. Anti-intellectualism is spreading across eCanada
39. Winter in Canada
41. Losing our highest ranked player to another country
42. Not getting rid of our highest ranked player sooner
43. The population only increases if people do make multiple accounts.
44. People jump between moral absolutism and moral relativism on impulsive whims, depending on which is more beneficial to them in the situation.
45. A diet high in sodium.
46. Over-used film motifs
47. Washed-up players that keep quitting but come back every time, taking away a little more from their former glory.
48. I don't know who screws us over more, admin or the government.
50. Articles with great ideas but not short enough to get votes or comments
51. No ‘Official Record of Blacklisted Players’
52. Lack of centralised information.
53. One picture articles in the Top 5
54. Rambling lists without any apparent order or coherence.
55. Charity organizations for the sake of gaining voters
56. Inactive congress members getting voted back in; active ones getting left out.
57. Team Beta Keys
58. Dead buddies on your friends list
59. IRC banning and those who complain about it
60. Everyone is out for their own specific goald and don't reall care about eCanada and her place in the world.
61. People who play practical jokes.
62. People with no sense of humour.
63. Our heroes always let us down in the end. 1ronman makes people cry, Plugson plagiarizes from deviantart, and saltydog's not really Korean.
64. Lack of an intelligent media.
65. 2600 Gold kept warm by nea milosu
66. We don’t laugh at things together anymore; people always think humour is at someone’s expense.
67. Food prices are too high
68. People who obsess over the past, especially prominent eCanadian citizens that have left us long ago.
69. Adam Sutler died before I could have his babies.
70. An overly-charitable, free TemujinBC
71. Spencer Magee is back in congress.
72. Nobody has a damn conscience unless it will earn them votes.
74. You're all a bunch of jerks.
75. The ‘forever or never’ process of passing new bills and amendments like the new player welcoming message
76. Where did all my forum CAD go!?!
77. Admins (both eRep and forum) simply don't give a sh*t.
78. Recent concern about the efficiency of the CAF
80. We act like a bunch of personality disordered teenagers.
81. 666 CAD for PimpDollaz
82. A severe decline in bikini jpegs for articles
84. Too much focus on war.
85. Difficulty trusting people with shared ownership of an organization
86. TCOvsCAFvsLSRvsProjectMayhemvsCOGvsCOBRAvseCanada
88. The media rant on and on about how bad the admins are, which may be true but I could care less, it is just a GAME!
89. A lack of knowing who the enemy is now that they no longer publish articles here
90. A lack of feeling connected to EDEN now that they no longer publish articles at all
91. Bitterness trumps saltiness
92. Stinky dog farts.
94. People are dishonest and ruthless towards each other.
96. There is hardly any moving up in that country. If you join late like I did, just about a month ago, then you really have no chance of becoming a congressman or CP unless you become friends with powerful people and/or are associated with parties like the DAL.
99. This place is more of a schoolyard cat-fight simulation than a political economy simulation. We can't do things without resorting to mud-slinging and pettiness.

3 things that would make eCanada a shweet place to be:

1) Moar war!
2) Moar economy; less taxes.
3) Moar water under the bridge; less long-term memory.

There are probably dozens of other things that could make eCanada a ‘sweet’ place. Feel free to add your ‘sweet thangs’ because we already got plenty of bitter. Of course, we can’t stop you from posting your list of bitter things.

“Cooking is a contrast of tastes. It’s all about a balance of the salty with the sweet, the savoury with the spicy, the bland with the bitter.” – Chef Plugson