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'Doors Wide Shut': V2 Opens to Closed Minds[WGC]

19 Day 960, 16:06 Published in Canada Canada

Note: Written yesterday when cautious optimism for V2 was still "in." It sucks being a day behind a trend

tl;dr: [url=

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The Great Debate: Surviving in a Post-obrazektic Community

22 Day 908, 02:21 Published in Canada Canada

The recent debate over the future of the Supreme Court of eCanada has brought forward many critical observations and brilliant proposals on how to salvage the lesser-known third arm of the eCanadian Government. The criticisms and defences presented

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Zombies of eCanada: 'Maybe We're Not Good Enough'

18 Day 841, 23:43 Published in Canada Canada

Dear eCanadians,

Today I am addressing you on a pressing issue affecting many facets of eCanadian life: its politics, its companies, its babybooms and busts. I am speaking of the growing zombification of eCanadian politics as the waking dead

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Weekly Investment Report [Dueling Ponzi Scheme Part 4]

6 Day 838, 02:21 Published in Canada Canada

As one duelling ponzi schemer has previously claimed, logos do inspire trust.

Nevertheless, a sleek icon with flashy text
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[WGC] The End is Nigh; It Never Ends

32 Day 778, 20:34 Published in Canada Canada

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Headline Image: William Blake's "Newton"

He tried thrills.
He said, “I gave myself to enjoy pleasure.”
And that's about the way it is in the

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