Ambient on/off

On Mickey Mouse Alliances and Family Relations

32 Day 1,134, 11:24 Published in Canada Canada

An article published late on Day 1,133 has stirred up some discussion about old time alliances and a new mutual defense pact, or as the author put it, “My response to Europe? F*** … read more »

Uncanny Din: A Rant? & Other Noise

7 Day 1,132, 13:40 Published in Canada Canada

"The feeling of something uncanny is directly attached to the figure of the Sand-Man, that is, to the idea of being robbed of one’s eyes, and that an intellectual uncertainty has nothing to do with the effect. Uncertainty whether an object is

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Peppercuts Always Hurt the Most

15 Day 1,128, 20:22 Published in Canada Canada

For those that like their condiments hot: A Salt’n’Peppercut &

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[NID] If Addy's My Daddy...

6 Day 1,122, 22:17 Published in Canada Canada

The 17th day of the month marks something we’d all rather forget about. Even the creator of National Insult Day, has completely overlooked the NID he had to delay it to the weekend. [EDITOR'S NOTE: As it turns out, he was actually

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'Thanks, But No Tanks' - A Guide for the Warrior Cheapskate

27 Day 1,118, 11:05 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

I’m getting’ too old for this sh*t

There’s rumours that Admins have again tweaked the battle formulas, … read more »