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Raw Materials - The Data

2 Day 365, 16:12 Published in Ireland Ireland

After several articles, and several questions on what I was doing about Raw Materials, and then me explaining alot, and then more questions about us running out and what im doing about it, I decided to track our Raw Materials.

Those who are

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IFP Recruitment - The Extra Mile

10 Day 365, 09:29 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today, all Citizens not in a Political Party, Received a mail, using the data provided by Collins on all citizens of eIreland! Which has taken quite a few hours!

There are 367 Citizens in eIreland who arent part of any Political Party! and 319

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Congress Vote - Update

2 Day 364, 10:33 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ok the vote to buy the Defense system is now up.

However 1 little issue, originally we wanted to have 100,000IEP for the bank, and 1000IEP for payment of the Defense System. Problem... 99,999 is the max i can put a product on sale for!

As such

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Presidential Announcement - Congress Elections

12 Day 364, 10:14 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello all!

On the 25th of November we have the second v1 Congress Elections.

Over the past few days ive seen alot of posts on Manifestos, and bids for votes.

Altho this is great, theres something about potenially over 100 posts which makes

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Raw Material Companys.

2 Day 363, 14:16 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ok in an attempt to see whats going on with raw materials and our companys, ive decided to compile a list of all the companys importing into eIreland.

So far ive grabbed all those on our market, and a few others I know of.


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