Raw Materials - The Data

Day 365, 16:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

After several articles, and several questions on what I was doing about Raw Materials, and then me explaining alot, and then more questions about us running out and what im doing about it, I decided to track our Raw Materials.

Those who are regular forum goes will know of this post.


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Heres the Data collected so far

Companys Importing to eIreland - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pb2sLoZbfqnmWhHP1Pxx6YA
Raw Material Market Tracker - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pb2sLoZbfqnlK43JgepEAYQ

Since ive been recording this data, 5 Different companys have upgraded in quality! and 3 companys have opened and started exporting here, and 2 ive made deals with to export here.

On the Companys Importing to eIreland, I still think there are some companys missing! so if your company is missing of the list, please drop me a mail!

As you can see, we are covering our Raw Material needs, nothings hit 0 so far! which is good! Diamonds I know are somewhat low, ive made some deals and even opened my own company, so in a few days this should change things on our market.

Overall Raw Materials are doing OK! regardless of what others want people to beleive, there isnt a lack of materials, note also I take this data at about 7PM UK time, it doesnt account for Raw Materials added to the market and sold during that 24hour period (Wish I could track it!).

Obviously we cant tell everything from only 3 days of Data, but its looking promising, and certainly not roadkill!

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