IFP Recruitment - The Extra Mile

Day 365, 09:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Today, all Citizens not in a Political Party, Received a mail, using the data provided by Collins on all citizens of eIreland! Which has taken quite a few hours!

There are 367 Citizens in eIreland who arent part of any Political Party! and 319 Who are!

Being part of a Political party can really add to the game, and take it beyond the 15minute a day clicking!

Now for those who are already part of a party, or those who skipped the mail, or those who have had the mail eaten by the monster known as v1, heres a few reasons to join IFP!

Firstly, our November Presidential Manifesto, which won me my second term as President of eIreland! - http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgfrb37_1cjv8v4gh

Secondly, being a small party, we have alot of growth to go! and alot of room for anyone looking to become part of congress, currently we have 14 people elidgeable to run for congress, we have space for 40 people!

Lastly, we beleive in total freedom, you can do, and say what you want, we want to take onboard your ideas and suggestions and improve IFP as a whole! no single member is left out, and each member can be as involved as they want to!

If you want any more information please feel free to drop me a mail!

And even if your not intrested in joining IFP, please check out the political scene! its alot of fun!

President of eIreland
Party President of Irish Freedom Party