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Hello New Congress!

1 Day 372, 08:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello all new and old Congressmen and Congresswomen.

Each of you for the next month will help decide alot of changes, alot of improvements, and vote alot. Between you all you have 80 Proposals! thats 2 each, so use them wisely!

One thing that

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More Maths, More Raw Mats, More Citizens

10 Day 370, 13:23 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well... Ive just sat down and worked out some more maths, yay!

Heres the maths ive done.

50% Wellness, Medium Quality
Q3 Grain, Medium Quality, 50 Wellness, 10/10 Workers = 2.8
Q3 Food, Medium Quality, 50 Wellness, 10/10 Workers = 2


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Congress Elections - Who's Where?

6 Day 370, 10:49 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have just finished compiling this spreadsheet.

This is showing who is running for what area, which party they are a part of, and how many in that area!

With 40 Seats up for

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IFP Congress Candidates

1 Day 370, 05:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well after a few days of my members being kicked off the running for Congress, and them reapplying about 50 billion times, we managed to get quite a few candidates!

Cork and Kerry



Artaxerxes Pavonis

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Raw Materials - 7 Day Report

1 Day 369, 11:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

As you may or may not know, for the past week I have been tracking our Raw Materials. 2sLoZbfqnlK43JgepEAYQ

Now, this shows the amount of Raw Materials being sold on our markets, the data is taken at

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