Presidential Announcement - Congress Elections

Day 364, 10:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Hello all!

On the 25th of November we have the second v1 Congress Elections.

Over the past few days ive seen alot of posts on Manifestos, and bids for votes.

Altho this is great, theres something about potenially over 100 posts which makes me scream, oh crap!

So ive worked out an alternative way, which is much more constructive for people to post there Manifestos!

Over at our forums, there is now a new area, Congress Elections.

In here you can post your Manifestos and Bids to become part of Congress! Please post the title in the following style, 5n4keyes - IFP - Limerick.

This will hopefully allow more questions to be asked, and alot less media spam!

Go post!