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3 Day 351, 00:00 Published in Ireland Ireland

Go Go GO!

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How eIreland Ranks

6 Day 350, 12:51 Published in Ireland Ireland

Experiance Points - 20
GDP - 20
Number Of Companys - 21
Population - 19
Strength - 19
Exports - 6
Imports - 5
Unemployment - 16

Whats most intresting by this is that eIreland is the 6th largest exporter in eRepublik! and were the 5th

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New Citizen Fee

4 Day 349, 11:58 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ive Recently made a post over on the new eIreland forums regarding New Citizen Fees,

I would appreciate if people could vote, sign if they agree, and post any other comments on the forum

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9 Day 348, 22:13 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well after a bit of time of not sleeping, and thinking, bah ill wait for Dexter (excellent program by the way). Ive come to realise that Igors an idiot, and I shouldnt let him bother me, insted i should just understand that hes of a young age and

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Our Economy

5 Day 348, 14:37 Published in Ireland Ireland

OK, Ive decided that im tired of hearing that our Econony is a disaster, and that everythings dead.

Its being blamed mostly on Imports that were not selling anything, well heres some intresting stats, note they are taken from the start of v1.

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