Okolje ON/OFF

Sorry for Taking Over Youtube Guys

3 Dan 511, 02:41 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

I only did it to try and purge all the rickrolls 🙂

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PCP Update 09/04/09

2 Dan 506, 05:47 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Presidential Election

Well, Rastari didn't win, but thats not to say there are no positives for PCP. In an election containing 400 or so right wing floating voters, a communist party was unlikely to go far, so we actually had a decent haul. … preberi več »

PCP: The Best, and Most Underrated, Party in the eUK

8 Dan 492, 10:37 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Usually, being straight after the congress elections, 26th is a date for observing statistics, but quite frankly I don't care for numbers. Myself and my predecessors at PCP have always been about doing things. When PCP rose through the ranks to

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Bob Boblo Concession Speech

7 Dan 491, 14:08 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Its now an inevitability that in my final election (or for at least 3 months) I will be dealt the second election defeat of my eCareer. I won't lie; I feel intensely disheartened, and taking into account one of my opponents has never contributed

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Words of Huge Importance

4 Dan 481, 10:08 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom


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