Bob Boblo Concession Speech

Day 491, 14:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Its now an inevitability that in my final election (or for at least 3 months) I will be dealt the second election defeat of my eCareer. I won't lie; I feel intensely disheartened, and taking into account one of my opponents has never contributed anything to the North East, nor have they bothered to put forward a manifesto.

Having put in 11 months service to the North East as Mayor, NHS Director and Congressman it is obviously disappointing, but it would be wrong to say that John and Malta don't deserve a spot, and to them I can only say good luck. I have no right to feel bitter.

This is however, one in a series of blows. Like many, I have disillusioned with UK politics for some time. The 40 gold coaliton, the defeat of Relic, the dissapearance of FD, the formation of the LSD. Not to mention the months (or years as it is now...) of flak and scaremongering surounding PCP, and of course the regular retirment of some of great friends.

I was always one of the erepublik addicts, who'd sit for over an hour sending PMs just to get three more people to sign up to the forums. One fo the people who'd wade through captchas just so a North East two-clicker had an extra 10 wellness. One of the ones who'd work everyday for months only to donate all their money to newer citizens.

For some Erepublik is an addiction, but the fun fades away in time, but the addiction doesn't. In time anyone who has the free time and staying power to avoid real issues pulling them away will grow dissilusioned anyways.

I may or may not return to eUK politics after my exams. I may or may note be an eUK citizen. Maybe time will be a great healer.

Whatever happens, I won't be very active over the next few months. I'll try and vote on HoL proposals if I get a spot, and I'll try and still pop into Bob's House and PCP as much as I can.

After the 11 months of good times and bad, I have two simple messages to give.

To everyone out there, the actives, the semi actives, the lefties, the righties, the spammers, the constructive posters, the young and the old, these are what I'd like to say.




Lets make the UK better. Together.

Bob Boblo