PCP: The Best, and Most Underrated, Party in the eUK

Day 492, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Usually, being straight after the congress elections, 26th is a date for observing statistics, but quite frankly I don't care for numbers. Myself and my predecessors at PCP have always been about doing things. When PCP rose through the ranks to smash the formerly unassailable UKRP and TUP in July, it was done on a foundation of policy. We were pushing policy after policy through congress, of which were genuinely far reaching - just look at how many UK citizens have achieved great things due to the ministerial apprenticeships. This is the reason I joined PCP, and is something I look to be the focus of a party.

Over the last month, theres been a little lull within other parties, with the only real reform being a NHS reform, bundled through over the course of the entire month. PCP on the other hand have passed some significant reforms. The Young Company apprenticeship scheme and Recommended Retail Price will both help to ensure responsible business is maintained in our economy, while, should it pass (which it should), the Skilled Workers Scheme is a genuinely innovative policy which will give us a good amount of control over production.

The fact of the matter is, whilst other parties may be able to celebrate good congress figures, we can celebrate actually doing something with our congress seats.

The other big thing we've done is The People's Commune. We have actually went out and put our ideals into practice, and done something all of our members can be part of. This more or less asserts as the true lefist alternative, and makes us pretty much the only party to have any real conviction to a political ideal. UKRP never have had one, TUP claim to be Democratic Socialists without particularly giving any evidence for this, and of course theres the MDU whose ideal is their lack of an ideal. However, an honourable mention must go to LSD, who have maintained their long professed militarism, and fulfilled their promise of being imperialist warmongers.....