Okolje ON/OFF


2 Dan 474, 15:53 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

I will be back....

This week hopefully...

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Boblo for North East Congressman (Yet Again!)

7 Dan 461, 10:26 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

"Wisdom is the daughter of experience" - Leonardo da Vinci

Hey. If you don't know me I'm Bob Boblo, North East congressman for seven months, North East NHS Director for 2 months and Mayor of Newcastle for 2 months, Minister of Work for 2 months

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PCP: The Futures Bright, The Futures Boblo

16 Dan 449, 03:49 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

The names Boblo, Bob Boblo, and I'm proud to announce my candidature for PCP Party President. In recent times, we've blessed with a great leader, and replacing Stan is an unenviable task. PCP is party that has and can play a huge role in eUK

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No Foreign Policy From Jerry?

5 Dan 442, 10:01 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

At the time of writing, with just one day to go till the election, Presidential candidate JerryGFL has thus far failed to deliver his promise of outlining his foreign and military policy.

Is this a sign that the prospective president is not very

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Be Informed

6 Dan 440, 13:02 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

If you get a message like this:

'Dear fellow citizen,
you may have noticed that we are once again approaching the election time. There has however been a undemocratic development, 3 main parties have sided against the UKRP, limiting your choice

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