Okolje ON/OFF


33 Dan 539, 08:45 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

I think we should all relax and watch time pass us by 🙂

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Anyone who likes a bit of WAR?

7 Dan 526, 09:48 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Do you like a bit of war in erepublik?

Do you want to level up our military experience?

Do want to stick up for the little guy?

Then fight for Malaysia![/

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Ode to Hassan

6 Dan 525, 13:39 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

They're once was a man called Hassan
And it is fair to say I'm a fan
For the man knows his stuff
And knows it sure enough
To proclaim him a very wise man

He once was minister of defence
and quite frankly he was immense
And that is just the

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The Truth

5 Dan 519, 09:59 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

You may remember a recent smear campaign. You may remember many of our finest politicians being accused of spying. You may remember Logamac trying to convince us our president is the ring leader of these spys.

Well here is the sinister truth.

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Hello Malaysia!

13 Dan 513, 04:50 Objavljen vMalaysia Malaysia


My name is Bob Boblo. I was a well known politician in the United Kingdom until moving into semi-retirment. Like many, I was increasingly disillusioned with the UK, so I decided to try a different country; a smaller country. Hence I am now a

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