PCP Update 09/04/09

Day 506, 05:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo
Presidential Election

Well, Rastari didn't win, but thats not to say there are no positives for PCP. In an election containing 400 or so right wing floating voters, a communist party was unlikely to go far, so we actually had a decent haul. Not to mention, we were endorsed by the LSD, so we could argue we were the preferred choice of the non-partisan left. But lets not start a big argument about that, eh?

The People's Commune

The commune is still going strong. But then of course it is; Communism is an excellent idea that can function perfectly. With this increasing success the commune is expanding into gifts, so those involved can now receive gifing to full wellness. If your intrested in joining our commune, please contact Dan Fallows or Scipio the Great. Note: you do not need to be a PCP member for this.


After consultation in congress, the Skilled Workers Scheme has been made into a viable piece of legislation. A plus of this, is the contribution from Malta - a sign of a united left?. Well, a non-partisan congress at the very least. We hope this will pass soon.

We do have more planned for this month, which were detailed in our recent manifesto(s). With some of the other parties finally putting some ideas forward, this could be a great month for congress. Hopefully PCP can continue to spearhead this.

PP Elections

As has been well publicised, this is my last term as PCP Party President. We have been discussing this in the PCP forums, and it is likely that Dan Fallows will become the new party president. Having run the People's Commune, and done a lot for the parties internal side, he is a popular choice among the forum active contingent of PCP. If your not forum active, and disagree with this, than why not register at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php and have your say.

I recommend all eUK citizens join the forums. There is a pantheon of reasons to do so, and as you look there for the first time, these will become apparent.