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The Top 10 Most Influential Canadians: ReLoaded

26 Ziua 1,213, 09:30 Publicat în Canada Canada

A long time ago, in relative terms but certainly in the context of the New World, I published a series of articles looking at the most influential Canadians of the moment. The lists were well received and have on occasion provided entertaining

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Swimming Upstream with the Herd

10 Ziua 1,190, 20:01 Publicat în Canada Canada

There has been a lot of talk this past month about Congress and the activity level of its members. There has been a lot of talk about responsibility, participating and finding solutions.

In the New World there are only a handful of times and ways

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Dare to take a chance!

10 Ziua 1,178, 18:44 Publicat în Canada Canada




Or more recently work, work, work, work, etc.

Something happens?

Complain about it, write about it, plagiarize someone else complaint.

But don't do anything about it.

Especially do not dare to be different,

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Thank You and Good Night [Concedes]

23 Ziua 1,173, 19:31 Publicat în Canada Canada

Please allow me to be the first to concede to Kronos Q tonight and congratulate him on his victory. He is a great asset to Canada and with a capable team behind him, will lead us effectively. Of this I am convinced.

On a similar note (i.e.

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[AV4CP] Taking Chances

13 Ziua 1,172, 07:23 Publicat în Canada Canada

The curse of the politician in the New World is that you soon run out of topics to talk about. Actually, it would be more fair to say that you soon run out of any meaningful new arguments to bring to the debate. In this, the continued changes to the

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