Swimming Upstream with the Herd

Day 1,190, 20:01 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

There has been a lot of talk this past month about Congress and the activity level of its members. There has been a lot of talk about responsibility, participating and finding solutions.

In the New World there are only a handful of times and ways by which you can hold other citizens accountable. One of those times is when a person has been a member of Congress and seeks re-election.

On the 25th I ask you to support my bid to return to Congress for a 15th time.

What I offer is a wealth of experience. In the past month in particular that experience has translated into active participation in debates as those of us that did decide to be active sought to find ways to deal with the monetary crisis affecting every nation on earth.

Will we be successful? The answer to that is forthcoming but the important point is that we found enough support to try.

I am not a fan of the status-quo. We are too small of a nation to be satisfied with ho-hum solutions. We need to be bold, we need to be adventurous and take chances.

If you re-elect me to Congress I will continue to champion a VAT-centric system of taxation, making adjustments as needed and as we gain more data.

I will continue to support all efforts of the executive in their attempts to gain new regions for Canada.

I will continue to lend my voice in support of Addy Lawrence and MOO when they offer new programs like the "mortgage/bond" program. Firstly because I think it can help and second because it is exactly the type of outside the box thinking we should be encouraging and attempting every chance we get.

As a member of TFD, we are not a top 5 party. Therefore it was with great enthusiasm that I accepted the open invitation of MOO to be sponsored under their banner. We hold many similar values when it comes to the economy and the need for action and I find their conclusions to be based on solid research (notice how often they support their argument with real numbers instead of vague innuendo and insulting dismissals).

Now comes the challenging part... I will be running in PEI. Farewell the relative safety of the bigger provinces as I take my chances on the symbolism offered by Canada's smallest province. For TFD (the party) to be as successful as TFD (the citizen) once was, I will need to pull support from many and varied places.

If you think activity in Congress is important, consider moving and lending me your vote.

If you agree that we should be more pro-active and take chances, consider moving and lending me your vote.

If you want peace of mind with a public figure who has a history of trust and patriotism... I'm your man.

Feb 25th, please vote Alias Vision in PEI.